Practical Applications
Whether you suffer from pain, want to reduce your stress level or whether you are a musician or actor who wants to turn in better performances: you will learn to observe and prevent excess tension to go through your life or career free of stress.
In your first Alexander Technique lesson, we initially find out what your concerns are and we then design the lessons tailored to your individual needs.
Together we will observe what habitual, yetdisadvantageous movements and posture patterns we can change through the targeted release of tension.
During the lesson, I will support you through the use of words and with my hands in order to perform daily or special tasks with the appropriate amount of tension.
Practical examples:
How can I carry my shoulder bag without throwing my body »out of whack«?
Why do I pull my head back and my shoulders forward when I am working in front of a computer screen?
Do I have to tense my jaw, raise my left shoulder and have an unbalanced position when I play the violin?
Do I bring the food to my mouth or vice versa?
Together we find the answers to these and many other questions.